Our history begins back near the inception of theadvanced wound care industry. Based in Texas, withoffices around the country, Project 1 Medicaloriginated as a complex laboratory, one of thecountry’s largest billers, and distributors of woundcare products and services. As the field of advancedwound care developed, the need for a trustworthyand supportive partner became evident, and westepped up to fill that role.
“Much more thanjust selling grafts.”
At Project 1 Medical, we are dedicated to pushing theboundaries of wound care through innovation andunwavering commitment. Our goal is to deliver superiorproducts and exceptional service to healthcareproviders, ensuring optimal patient care. Compliance isat the core of our operations; we adhere strictly toindustry regulations and standards to maintain thehighest levels of trust and reliability. As we move forward,we aim to expand our product offerings, improve ourservices, and strengthen our partnerships. Together, westrive to make a meaningful difference in the lives ofthose who rely on advanced wound care.
“Much more thanjust selling grafts.”
Placental Membranes All-Natural Wound Protection

National distributors of the industriesleading products.

Specialized verification of benefits,billing for advanced wound care and fullpractice billing.

Guidance and mechanism in place toprevent non compliance.

National distributors of the industriesleading products.

Specialized verification of benefits,billing for advanced wound care and fullpractice billing.

Guidance and mechanism in place toprevent non compliance.
Amniotic Membrane Allograft AMNIO AMP-MP
AmnioAMP-MP™ is a chorion-free, duallayer dehydrated human amnion membrane allograft derived from the amniotic lining of the placenta. The
protective properties of amnion make it an ideal barrier to protect soft tissue from the surrounding environment. AmnioAMP-MP™ is processed through minimally manipulated techniques. This type of processing retains the qualities of the native extracellular matrix (ECM). AmnioAMPMP™ can be applied in any orientation and quickly hydrates in situ and naturally stays in place eliminating application placement limitations.
Quality - Safety and Versatility
- Amniotic tissue is recovered from healthy mothers who have undergone full-term delivery.
- AmnioAMP-MP™ is processed in accordance with FDA regulations and AATB standards.
- Amniotic tissue has been used for over 100 years with well-documented clinical success.
- Requires no up-front preparation.
- Ambient temperature storage.
- Can be applied on either side of the graft
- E-Beam sterilization provides a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6.
Amniotic Membrane Allograft AMNIO AMP-MP
AmnioAMP-MP™ is a chorion-free, duallayer dehydrated human amnion membrane allograft derived from the amniotic lining of the placenta. The protective properties of amnion make it an ideal barrier to protect soft tissue from the surrounding environment. AmnioAMP-MP™ is processed through minimally manipulated techniques.
This type of processing retains the qualities of the native extracellular matrix (ECM). AmnioAMPMP™ can be applied in any orientation and quickly hydrates in situ and naturally stays in place eliminating application placement limitations.
Quality - Safety and Versatility
- Amniotic tissue is recovered from healthy mothers who have undergone full-term delivery.
- AmnioAMP-MP™ is processed in accordance with FDA regulations and AATB standards.
- Amniotic tissue has been used for over 100 years with well-documented clinical success.
- Requires no up-front preparation.
- Ambient temperature storage.
- Can be applied on either side of the graft
- E-Beam sterilization provides a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6.
Provides a protective extracellular matrix barrier for use in covering wounds and soft tissue. The product has been used as a barrier to protect diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, pressure ulcers, burns, and other dermal ulcerations that include wounds with exposed vital structures such as tendons, muscles, or bones.